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Ecosystem Development

OrbJump will promote both online and offline. The game plans to launch on major gaming platforms while increasing player engagement and the game's economic value through community activities. Offline, it will release physical derivative products, hold experiential events, and expand brand influence.

Online Ecosystem Development:

Community Interaction

"OrbJump" aims to build a positive and supportive player community while increasing player interest and engagement through game content updates and the latest developments in the Worldcoin project. Thus, it promotes the growth of the Worldcoin ecosystem.

  • Friend System: This system allows players to add each other as friends, share achievements, and participate in game challenges together, enhancing the social elements of the game.

  • Team Challenges: Regularly open PVP challenge competitions that allow players to team up, encouraging cooperation and providing additional rewards.

  • Global and Regional Leaderboards: Set up global and regional leaderboards where top players can earn extra achievement points and rewards.

  • Community Forums and Communication: Establish in-game forums and social media accounts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Discord, making it easy for players to share experiences and discuss strategies.

  • Global Recognition: Incorporate cultural elements from around the world into game-level designs to increase players' understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

  • Orb Design Contest: Global players will be invited to design and vote on the Orb platforms in the game. Outstanding designs will be included in the game's next version, and the designers of winning entries will receive rewards.

Economic System

Introduce a comprehensive economic system that offers a variety of incentives, deepening players' interest and participation in the game and the Worldcoin project.

  • Points: Players can earn points by completing various in-game challenges, such as a certain number of jumps or unlocking unique platforms. This gives players in-game recognition and supports exchanging OJ Coins and achievement points.

  • OJ Coins: Players can acquire OJ Coins through points exchange or online purchases. OJ Coins can be used in the game store to buy special items, character customization options, etc., enhancing the game's personalization and long-term appeal.

  • Achievements: Players can earn achievements by completing specific tasks or using points. Different achievements can unlock corresponding in-game privileges (special entry animations, effects, voice lines, badges, etc.). Players who achieve significant accomplishments can exchange them for WLD tokens at Worldcoin offline agents, providing real-world rewards and promoting the Worldcoin project.

  • NFTs: After the official launch, "OrbJump" will increasingly become a tool to promote digital economic activities and participation. Unique items, skins, or achievements in "OrbJump" have the potential to be turned into NFTs, which hold unique value and applications within the Worldcoin ecosystem.


Since NFTs are not the current development focus of "OrbJump," if you want to learn more, please click here.

Offline Ecological Interaction:

By designing exclusive "OrbJump" merchandise and establishing interactive experience stores worldwide, we can integrate offline activities to promote the game and Worldcoin,  enhancing brand influence and fostering social engagement.

Product Design and Manufacturing

  • Cartoon Orb Models: Design various styles of Orb models, using high-quality materials and exquisite craftsmanship to reflect their uniqueness. Popular designs can be used as the exterior for the next generation of iris recognition Orb devices.

  • Game Merchandise: Launch game-inspired merchandise, including but not limited to T-shirts, hats, backpacks, water bottles, notebooks, etc.

Charity Activities

"OrbJump" actively integrates charity and social responsibility activities to make a positive impact through the game's influence. According to the latest Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2023 report, 1.1 billion people in 110 developing countries live in multidimensional poverty, accounting for 92% of the total population in developing countries.

  • Monthly Donations: Each month, the top-performing player can win a trip to any country without an Orb operator. Additionally, the game team will donate to a charity for the winner. Donation receipts will be made public to showcase the game's community's positive contributions to society.

  • Team Missions: Regularly organize events with team missions that encourage players to work together to achieve specified goals, such as answering a certain number of questions or recommending the World App to friends. After the event, "OrbJump" will donate to a charity project, and participating teams will receive special in-game achievements.

  • Worldcoin Agents: Encourage beneficiaries to apply to become Worldcoin Orb agents. Players in donated areas who qualify and become Orb agents will unlock achievement rewards in the game that can be exchanged for WLD tokens.

Interactive Experience Stores

The offline game interactive experience store is vital to OrbJump's sustainable development. It encompasses various functional areas, including entertainment, procurement, game experience, and dining sections. Here, customers can not only purchase game peripheral products but also indulge in Worldcion-related board games while enjoying food and relaxation. The services provided in each area are closely intertwined with worldcoin and Orbjump, seamlessly integrating leisure activities, shopping opportunities, and social elements to offer a comprehensive entertainment experience.


Where local regulations permit, we will collaborate with local Orb operators to integrate the OrbJump game interactive experience store with World ID's iris scanning registration service. This combined service setup not only simplifies the process of registering one's World ID through iris scanning for customers but also enhances player interaction and engagement by providing an immersive gaming experience.

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