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Currently, in some countries and regions with strict regulations, the promotion of Worldcoin and WorldID faces obstacles. OrbJump offers a gamified promotion solution, reducing the risk of intervention by regulatory authorities, allowing more people to learn about Worldcoin, accept Worldcoin, and register for WorldID.

Target Audience

  • Supporters of the digital economy interested in Worldcoin, blockchain, and digital currencies

  • Professional groups facing challenges from AI technology, such as accountants and customer service representatives

  • People with restricted access to information, especially in highly regulated or economically disadvantaged areas;

  • People with fragmented work schedules, such as freelancers and remote workers.

In China, due to strict regulatory policies, most people have little knowledge of cryptocurrencies, and Worldcoin is even less known. However, as a vast potential market with 1.3 billion people, China's significance is undeniable.

In other economically disadvantaged regions around the world, there is also an information gap, with local people lacking the means and willingness to learn about emerging technologies actively. To help Worldcoin build the world's largest network of verified identities and financial connections, it is necessary to bridge this gap in a compliant and easily acceptable manner.

The fast pace of modern society has led to people having increasingly fragmented time, making them more inclined to consume short, intuitive, and entertaining content. TikTok leverages this user behavior by attracting users with concise video content. Similarly, fast-paced casual mobile games can provide quality content in a short amount of time.


The rapid development of AI technology might lead to the displacement of many jobs, affecting a wide range of fields, from blue-collar to white-collar jobs. It is crucial to make these potentially unemployed groups aware of Worldcoin and its potential role in achieving AI-funded UBI (Universal Basic Income).


Industry Overview

  • Obstacles in Blockchain Adoption

The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies challenges traditional financial regulatory frameworks, prompting strict government regulations.

For example, over 1 billion people in China cannot understand and register for Worldcoin.In 2021, the Chinese government intensified its crackdown on cryptocurrencies, explicitly banning all commercial activities related to virtual currencies. The Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner, armed with a court order, recently investigated six Orb authentication sites and shut down their operations.

  • Digital Identity Market

As governments and the private sector increasingly demand safer and more convenient identity verification and transaction services, the application and development of digital identities are undergoing rapid transformation. According to a report by Grand View Research, the decentralized identity market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 90.3%, increasing from $1.13 billion in 2023 to $102 billion by 2030. Thales Group points out that digital identity is one of the most important technological trends today, revolutionizing the way individuals interact with public institutions and even private organizations.


Competitive Analysis

In the mobile gaming market, single-handed casual games like "Rush Royale" and "Crossy Road" have gained widespread popularity by attracting many players through simple controls and easy-to-learn mechanics.

Independent developer

Compared to established game development teams, independent developers often have unique advantages:

  • Innovation and Unique Perspectives: Independent developers often bring fresh viewpoints and creativity, which larger development teams might lack while striving for broad market acceptance.

  • Cost: Independent developers typically require a lower budget than established development teams. For investors, a lower initial investment can reduce risk. Additionally, as OrbJump is a game with offline application scenarios, Chinese independent developers have unique advantages. China's mature manufacturing infrastructure and low costs ensure product quality and production efficiency.

  • Direct Communication and Management: Collaborating with an independent developer usually means more direct and efficient communication and management processes. This direct relationship can accelerate decision-making and simplify project management.

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