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Risk Assessment

Throughout the development and promotion process, OrbJump prioritizes potential risks and is committed to preventing and resolving them.

Funding Risk

Before the launch of the "OrbJump" project, its development primarily relies on community grants from the Worldcoin Foundation. After launch, the project will explore diversified revenue sources, including but not limited to in-game purchases, advertising revenue, partnerships, and potential digital goods sales, to achieve self-sustainability and long-term development. "OrbJump" will also establish an efficient financial monitoring system and cost control measures to ensure that every grant is used to maximize benefits.

Legal Risk

Post-launch, "OrbJump" may face legal risks, including differences in blockchain technology regulations and personal privacy laws across countries, data protection compliance issues, and intellectual property disputes. Solutions involve maintaining communication and negotiation with local regulatory bodies and adjusting game content to meet regional requirements. Continuous internal legal reviews will ensure the game's global legal compliance and operation.

Technical Risk

The use of cheat software can disrupt the game balance, affecting the experience of normal players and the game's fairness. We will manage this by continuously monitoring game balance, enhancing server performance, and promptly responding to player feedback. Additionally, by regularly updating game content and optimizing user experience, we strive to improve player satisfaction and reduce churn rates.

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