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Development Plan

OrbJump will continue to refine the development plan and game design document, then produce and iterate on the game demo, initially enabling the promotion and popularization of Worldcoin. Based on feedback from the demo, formal game development will proceed. OrbJump will continuously update game content, synchronizing development progress at each milestone.

  • Project Initiation Phase (January 2024 - May 2024)

Complete a comprehensive business plan and game design document. This will include an in-depth market analysis, formulating initial marketing and promotion strategies, and planning risk management and financial management schemes. This phase also covers the design of the game's core gameplay, the construction of the initial technical architecture, and the establishment of the artistic style guidelines for the game.

  • Development of DEMO Version

Development Cycle: June 2024 - September 2024
Milestone Submission Date: Three days before the grant disbursement date
Number of Milestones: 7

Game Quality Reference for DEMO Version:《Crossy Road》

Version Development Goals:

Demonstrate the core gameplay, integrate educational content related to Worldcoin, showcase a complete user interface and some visual and audio effects of the final game, and possess preliminary promotion and educational capabilities. Complete initial testing of the payment mechanism.


  • June 27: Complete project setup and engine engineering. Organize Worldcoin-related content and its presentation in the demo version and finalize the gameplay design plan. Determine the visual style and level design for the Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Mumbai levels.

  • July 12: Begin developing the first level (Tokyo). Add more game elements, such as new obstacles and items, and adjust and optimize the game mechanics in conjunction with Worldcoin.

  • July 27: Complete the development of the first level and begin developing the second level (Hong Kong). Complete the art asset production for the demo version, including characters, animations, and scene models.

  • August 12: Complete the second level's development, integrate sound effects and background music, and enhance the game's immersion.

  • August 27: Complete the development of the third level, refine the early game tutorials, optimize the game interface and player experience, and improve the game's numerical system.

  • September 12: Conduct comprehensive internal testing, package for Android and Apple mobile testing, enter the debugging phase, and locate and fix issues found during testing.

  • September 27: Perform comprehensive optimization of the game, including gameplay mechanics, numerical balance, art assets, and player experience, and complete the final game demo version.

  • Development of Launch Version 

Development Cycle: October 2024 - December 2024
Milestone Submission Date: Three days before the grant disbursement date
Number of Milestones: 6

Game Quality Reference for Launch Version:《Builder's Journey》《Genshin Impact》

Version Development Goals:

Enhance game content and user experience based on feedback collected during the DEMO phase. Expand and enrich game mechanics, improve art quality, and mass-produce art assets. Perform detailed performance optimization to ensure the game runs smoothly on various devices, including iOS and Android, providing over 72 hours of continuous play. Ensure players can grasp the core concepts of the Worldcoin project within the first 2 hours of gameplay. Successfully launch the game on major mobile app platforms and achieve independent operation and development by 2025, which will be a key criterion for evaluating the success of the official version's development.


  • October 12: Collect DEMO test feedback, adjust and optimize the game development plan based on the feedback, ensure the development direction aligns with Worldcoin's development direction, and contact collaborating game development suppliers and merchandise manufacturers. Register developer accounts for Apple and Google app stores.

  • October 27: Continue refining the game mechanics and monetization model and finalizing all design plans, including game and art design.

  • November 12: Officially enter the production phase and begin large-scale production of art assets, including characters, scenes, and animations. Product manufacturers start producing designed game merchandise, such as toys and clothing.

  • November 27: Continue to enhance the art effects and integrate cartoon rendering technology. Simultaneously optimize game performance to ensure it runs smoothly on various mobile devices.

  • December 12: Conduct internal experience testing and collect feedback, iteratively optimize the game based on the feedback, and refine the game controls.

  • December 27: Complete final functionality testing and performance tuning and submit game information to Apple and Google app stores for review. Complete initial preparations for the game release event, including online and offline promotion.

  • Launch and Operation (January 2025)

Enter the market operation phase. "OrbJump" will attract players to download and play through continuous content updates and market promotion. This includes regularly releasing new game content, building a player community through social media, using data analysis to guide marketing strategies, and developing an offline ecosystem with exhibitions and sales of game merchandise.

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